map aniMotum fitted or predicted locations, with or without Argos observations, optionally apply a different projection
y = NULL,
what = c("fitted", "predicted", "rerouted"),
conf = TRUE,
obs = FALSE,
obs.shp = 17, = TRUE, = TRUE,
crs = NULL,
ext.rng = c(0.05, 0.05),
size = 0.25,
col.ssm = "dodgerblue",
col.obs = "black",
lines = FALSE,
landfill = grey(0.6),
map_type = "default",
pal = "Cividis",
rev = FALSE,
last_loc = NULL,
a aniMotum
ssm fit object with class ssm_df
optionally, a aniMotum
mpm fit object with class mpm_df
default is NULL
specify which location estimates to map: fitted, predicted or rerouted
include confidence regions around estimated location (logical; default = TRUE, unless y is an mpm fit object then conf is FALSE)
include Argos observations on map (logical; default = FALSE)
point shape for observations (default = 17)
when mapping multiple tracks, should locations be coloured by id (logical; default = TRUE if nrow(x) > 1 else FALSE)
when mapping single tracks, should locations be coloured by date (logical; default = TRUE if nrow(x) == 1 else FALSE)
for re-projecting locations, if NULL the
default projection ("+proj=merc") for the fitting the SSM will be used
factors to extend the plot range in x and y dimensions (can exceed 1)
size of estimated location points (size = NA will draw no points). Optionally, a vector of length 2 with size of observed locations given by 2nd value (ignored if obs = FALSE)
colour of ssm-fitted or ssm-predicted locations (ignored if = TRUE)
colour of observed locations (ignored if obs = FALSE)
logical indicating if lines are added to connect estimated locations (default = FALSE)
colour to use for land (default = grey(0.6))
background map type (default = NULL, which uses rnaturalearth
to add landmasses); if packages ggspatial
& rosm
are installed
then any map type returned by rosm::osm.types can be used for a more
detailed map background.
hcl.colors palette to use (default: "Cividis"; type
for options)
reverse colour palette (logical)
colour to render last location of each track (default = NULL)
additional arguments passed to ggspatial::annotation_map_tile