print aniMotum fit object summary information

# S3 method for ssm
print(x, ...)



a aniMotum ssm fit object


unused. For compatibility with the generic method.


## see summary fit output
## generate a ssm fit object (call is for speed only)
xs <- fit_ssm(ellie, spdf=FALSE, model = "rw", time.step=24, 
control = ssm_control(se = FALSE, verbose = 0))

#> Process model: rw 
#> Time interval: 24 hours 
#> number of original observations: 64 
#> number of observations fitted by ssm: 64 
#> number of fitted states: 64 
#> number of predicted states: 113 
#> parameter estimates
#> -------------------
#>         Estimate Std. Error
#> rho_p   -0.86827    0.03320
#> sigma_x  4.50053    0.42428
#> sigma_y  3.97017    0.37505
#> rho_o    0.00000    0.00000
#> -------------------
#> negative log-likelihood: 732.3869 
#> convergence: yes 