simulate from the rw, crw, or mp process models to generate a set of x,y (or lon,lat) coordinates with or without error from supplied input parameters.

  N = 100,
  start = list(c(0, 0), as.POSIXct(format(Sys.time(), tz = "UTC", usetz = TRUE))),
  model = c("rw", "crw", "mp"),
  vmax = 4,
  sigma = c(4, 4),
  rho_p = 0,
  D = 0.05,
  sigma_g = 1.25,
  error = c("ls", "kf"),
  tau = c(1.5, 0.75),
  rho_o = 0,
  tdist = c("reg", "gamma"),
  ts = 6,
  tpar = 1.2,
  alpha = c(0.9, 0.8)



number of time steps to simulate


coordinates and datetime of start location for simulated track


simulate from the rw, crw or mp process models


maximum travel rate (m/s) of simulated animal


a vector of process error sd's for the rw model (ignored if model != "rw")


correlation parameter for rw model process covariance matrix (ignored if model != "rw")


diffusion coefficient for crw model process covariance matrix (ignored if model != "crw")


random walk sd for time-varying move persistence parameter (ignored if model != "mp")


indicates whether measurement error should mimic Argos Least-Squares (ls) or Argos Kalman Filter (kf)


vector of LS measurement error sd's (ignored if error = "kf")


correlation parameter for LS covariance matrix (ignored if error = "kf")


distribution for simulating location times (reg generates locations at regular ts intervals, in h; gamma uses a gamma distribution to generate random time intervals)


time interval in h


rate parameter for the gamma distributed times, shape is take to be ts * tpar for a mean interval of approximately ts h (ignored if tdist = "reg")


transition probabilities switching model versions of rw or crw models. Probabilities are the transition matrix diagonals (ignored if sigma has length 2 or D has length 1)


a tibble is returned with columns that can include some or all of the following, depending on the arguments used

  • date time as POSIXct, tz = UTC (default)

  • lc Argos location class

  • lon longitude with error

  • lat latitude with error

  • x x in km from arbitrary origin without error

  • y y in km from arbitrary origin without error

  • x.err a random deviate drawn from Argos LS or KF error distribution

  • y.err a random deviate drawn from Argos LS or KF error distribution

  • smaj Argos error ellipse semi-major axis in m (if error = "kf")

  • smin Argos error ellipse semi-minor axis in m (if error = "kf")

  • eor Argos error ellipse orientation in degrees (if error = "kf")

  • u velocity in x direction (if model = "crw"), unit = km/h

  • v velocity in y direction (if model = "crw"), unit = km/h

  • b behavioural state (if model = "rw" or model = "crw" and multiple process variances given, see examples)

  • g movement persistence - the autocorrelation between successive movements on the interval 0,1 (if model = "mp")


tr <- sim(N = 200, model = "crw", D = 0.1, error = "kf", tdist = "reg", ts=12)
plot(tr, error = TRUE)

tr <- sim(N = 200, model = "mp", sigma_g = 1.2, error = "ls", tau = c(2, 1.5), ts=12,
tdist = "gamma", tpar = 1.5)
#> Warning: Acceptance rate is very low (0.00601093385310913) and rejection sampling becomes inefficient. Consider using Gibbs sampling.
plot(tr, error = TRUE, pal = "Cividis")